Papa Mo's eVoucher
Enjoy a $100 voucher to spend on some serious fun at Papa Mo's, Papamoa's best contemporary kitchen & bar. Enjoy an excellent drinks list along with generous and delicious meals with a beautiful ocean view.
An eVoucher will be emailed to you within 2 working days.
Papa Mo's vouchers are non-refundable and must be used in full. This voucher is treated as cash and cannot be replaced if lost or stolen. This voucher expires a certain number of months after issue. They may only be used for purchases at Papa Mo's and cannot be returned or exchanged for cash.
To get a Papa Mo's voucher as a reward, redeem your Foley Points for $100 to Spend on The Foley Wine Club via the green My Rewards tab on the bottom righthand side of our site and you'll receive a reward code via email. Add a Papa Mo's voucher to your cart, apply your reward code to the 'Discount Code' field at checkout and complete your order.
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